Use SurrealDB to Persist Data with Rocket REST API

Reading Time: 8 minutes Databases are essential in web development for organizing data in various forms and shapes (both structured and unstructured). Their ultimate goal is for the stored data to be easily retrievable, updated, queried, and generally administered via a graphical user interface (GUI), dashboard, or even command line interface (CLI). We can use database management systems to […]

Create a Weather App Using the Qwik Framework

Reading Time: 6 minutes Over the past decade, we have seen a steady rise in client-side JavaScript frameworks or libraries. Each of these frameworks curves out a niche in the JavaScript ecosystem and tries to enable developers to find the perfect solution according to the provided context. Renowned frameworks include React, Angular, Svelte, and Vue.  These frameworks have also […]

How to Handle Forms Efficiently in Yew Web Development?

Reading Time: 6 minutes In order to create a Yew web application, one must create mechanisms to allow end users to interact with the system and provide data via online forms. This is where form handling comes into play. Yew offers Rust’s rich type ecosystem which can be a great tool when it comes to ensuring data integrity on […]

ChatGPT: Your Digital BFF

Reading Time: 13 minutes Everyone is chatting about ChatGPT, an OpenAI programme that can write prose, poetry, and even computer code, just like a human. Astonishment at what it can do, fear of cheating and replacement by “robots,” and warnings about the dangers of outsourcing creativity to machines are the main topics of conversation. On November 30, 2022, OpenAI […]

How to Use ChatGPT API to Create an AI-Powered Web Application That Assists Software Engineers’ Productivity?

Reading Time: 7 minutes ChatGPT has taken the world by storm and is now seen as an invaluable companion in both our personal and professional lives. It can help us in a variety of ways, from deciding what to write or say, to selecting the perfect meal, to even coding! With ChatGPT, the possibilities are endless. It can aid […]

Platform Engineering: Predictions and Prospects in 2023 & Beyond

Reading Time: 7 minutes Platform Engineering has received a lot of attention, but there is some misunderstanding about what it is and, perhaps more importantly, how it differs from more well-known disciplines like SRE and DevOps. Platform Engineering is the rebranded DevOps or it is the next stage of DevOps evolution? Why suddenly everyone has started talking about it? […]

How to Build a Rust WebAssembly Frontend App with Yew Framework?

Reading Time: 6 minutes While Rust is known for its backend web development capabilities, the introduction of WebAssembly (Wasm) has enabled the development of rich front-end apps in Rust. With the introduction of WebAssembly, it became possible to build frontend web apps in Rust, such as the one we just built, expanding development opportunities for developers. While all of […]

How to Use NgRx Store in an Angular 15 Application?

Reading Time: 6 minutes With reference to the previous blog on state management with React and Redux, we will look at state management in an Angular 15 application using the NgRx store in this blog. NgRx is derived from Ng(the conventional name for Angular tools and ecosystem) and Rx(Reactive Extensions). Moreover, for anyone who has used Angular, you have […]

How to Manage State in a React Application Using Redux?

Reading Time: 6 minutes The rise of JavaScript frameworks such as React opened a new possibility in the world of Single Page Applications (SPAs). It became a lot easier to develop reusable components and create robust applications with JavaScript. However, as the applications grew, there arose a complexity – state management. That’s why we’ll discuss about how to Manage […]

Roadmap to Become a Blockchain Developer in 2023

Reading Time: 12 minutes Blockchain technology has emerged as a key component of Industry 4.0. It is no longer limited to cryptocurrencies and digital payments. The blockchain technology market was valued at USD 5.7 billion in 2021 and is expected to exceed USD 1.59 trillion by 2030, with a CAGR of 87.1% from 2022 to 2030 – GlobeNewswire Report. […]

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