Tag: Cloud

How to create a data flow to share data between AWS and Salesforce using Amazon AppFlow (Part 1)?

Reading Time: 8 minutes Software as a service (SaaS) applications are becoming increasingly important and adoption is growing rapidly. While there are many benefits to this way of consuming software, one challenge is that data is now living in lots of different places. To get meaningful insights from this data, we need to have a better and more automated […]

How to create and publish AR/VR Apps with Amazon Sumerian (Part 1)?

Reading Time: 8 minutes The coronavirus outbreak has changed the world like never before! Social Gathering, playing in groups, traditional classrooms,  F2F corporate meetings, etc. became the old norms! Social distancing, self-isolation, online schoolings, online meetings, and online gaming are new norms now!! These new norms have increased the need for different platforms for learning, teaching, gaming, communicating, etc. […]

How to create an API endpoint to provision a DynamoDB table using AWS AppSync? (Part 1)

Reading Time: 6 minutes AppSync is an AWS-managed GraphQL layer that is built on the benefits of GraphQL and adds a few more cool features to its web and mobile SDKs. AppSync is the best of GraphQL with less complexity than before, which works out great for Serverless applications. You can refer to our blog How to create an […]

How to build a Serverless Workflow with AWS Step Functions (Part 1)?

Reading Time: 7 minutes AWS Step Functions is a serverless orchestration solution that enables you to effortlessly coordinate several Lambda functions into customizable workflows that are simple to debug and modify. To see the full implementation of How to Build a Serverless Workflow with AWS Step Functions, refer to part 2 of the blog here. In this blog, we […]

How to build quantum algorithms and test them on quantum circuit simulators using Amazon Braket?

Reading Time: 9 minutes Quantum computing is changing the way we live, work, and play. Quantum sensors, quantum information security, and quantum computing are all gaining traction, and the potential is already being realized. By 2030, the quantum computing market is expected to be worth $64.98 billion. In this blog, we will discuss Quantum computing and a fully managed […]

How to establish and maintain a scalable network using Amazon Managed Blockchain (Part 2)?

Reading Time: 9 minutes In our previous blog on how to establish and maintain a scalable network using Amazon Managed Blockchain (Part 1), we discussed Blockchain and Amazon Managed Blockchain. We have also discussed its components, benefits, features, pricing, customers, and how it works. In this blog, we will discuss how to use AWS Blockchain Templates to configure and […]

How to trigger Lambda function using Amazon CloudWatch events and configure CloudWatch alarm to get email notifications using Amazon SNS(Part 2)?

Reading Time: 6 minutes Modern applications such as those running on microservices architectures generate large volumes of data in the form of metrics, logs, and events. Amazon CloudWatch enables you to collect, access, and correlate this data on a single platform from across all your AWS resources, applications, and services that run on AWS. Amazon CloudWatch enables you to […]

How to create vaults in AWS S3 Glacier to store and archive data?

Reading Time: 10 minutes We are in the data age, so along with data creation and retrieval, storing and archiving data is equally important. For ages, storing and archiving data is always costly! We generally overpay for data archiving because we are forced to make an expensive upfront payment for archiving solutions. Since we have to guess what our […]

How to create and interact with domains and perform search queries using Amazon CloudSearch?

Reading Time: 9 minutes The collection of data that you want to search for can consist of unstructured documents, semi-structured documents such as XML, or structured data. Amazon CloudSearch is a fully managed service that allows users to search large collections of data such as web pages, document files, forum posts, or product information. In this blog, we will […]

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