Tag: ar

How to create and publish AR/VR Apps with Amazon Sumerian (Part 1)?

Reading Time: 8 minutes The coronavirus outbreak has changed the world like never before! Social Gathering, playing in groups, traditional classrooms,  F2F corporate meetings, etc. became the old norms! Social distancing, self-isolation, online schoolings, online meetings, and online gaming are new norms now!! These new norms have increased the need for different platforms for learning, teaching, gaming, communicating, etc. […]

How to create and publish AR/VR Apps with AWS Sumerian?

Reading Time: 13 minutes In our previous blog How to create and publish AR/VR Apps with AWS Sumerian (Part 1), we discussed Amazon Sumerian, its features, benefits, use cases, etc. In this blog, we will discuss a business scenario to create, configure and publish a Sumerian bot with proper gestures and text-to-speech conversation.  Let’s understand the following business scenario. […]

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